Faith Without Works Is Dead
"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" James 2:14 (NKJV)
"Preach the gospel. Use words when necessary." - unknown, attributed to St. Francis of Asisi
A lot of lives have changed over the past few weeks. What right do I have to sit here crying over my own
little owies, when there are so many hurting people who have a lot more to be crying about...
but instead... they are moving forward to
get the work done that
needs to be done, in order to
Today's blog post includes several links and pieces of information for helping out those who are hurting. May you find it full of useful information, and may you allow God to guide you in the direction you are to go, whatever your situation.
(Not all of the events have links, so please find them on Facebook and/or do a search online. SORRY!)
Since we remembered
9/11 on the 10th anniversary this week, here are some links to organizations that raise money for those victims and families:
The Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation is a scholarship program. Its purpose is to provide grants to enable children of firefighters and other victims of the September 11 attacks and other fires and disasters to afford higher education.
Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation The sole purpose of our Foundation is to honor the legacy of love given to us by Stephen Siller, FDNY, who laid down his life on 9/11, by “doing good” in his name. The mission is to follow Stephen’s footsteps through support of children who have lost a parent, firefighters, and military who have been seriously injured and sacrifice their quality of life in the line of duty.
My friend Pam's house in the Prattsville Flood 2011 |
In the
Northeastern United States, which hits close to home,
flooding occurred from the heavy rains that fell from
Hurricane Irene and
Tropical Storm Lee. I've included links and information for benefits raising money and goods to try to rebuild areas dear to my heart.
I am thankful that our family stayed safe, and that they are able to help those around them who are in need.
May we all do our part.
Flooding in the Catskill Mountains of New York:
Peaceful Prattsville - Summer 2010 |
Video of some of the damage in one little town in the Catskills: Prattsville
The Daily Mail article describes some of the effects of the flooding.
is also a Town of Prattsville Relief Fund.
You can find more relief information on Facebook, if you search for:
**Hurricane Irene Upstate New York (Lend A Hand)**
**Benefit for Prattsville**
**Hurricane Irene Save the Catskills**
**Prattsville, NY Natural Disaster Recovery Information**
Benefit for Prattsville
Saturday, October 8 - 1pm-10pm
Nick's Waterfall House
Proceeds go to help rebuild Prattsville - $20 Donation
Prattsville Benefit Party
Saturday, October 1 - Noon until October 2 - 8pm
Michael J Quill Irish Cultural & Sports Centre Grounds - 2267 Rte 145, Durham, NY
Proceeds go to Community Action of Greene County to benefit Greene County victims of Hurrican Irene
Saving Schoharie Bike Run
Saturday, October 1 - 9-11am
Sign up at the Sidedoor Cafe
$25 per person
Other donations can be sent to the school: Gilboa-Conesville Central School District · 132 Wyckoff Road · Gilboa, NY 12076 · Phone: (607)-588-7541 · Fax: (607)-588-6820
Flooding in the Southern Tier of Upstate New York:
Owego Flood 2011 (video)
Owego Riverwalk - Summer 2010 |
Owego Elementary School needs books! Due to the flooding, Owego Elementary School has been declared unusable, and the teachers have not been able to enter the building or salvage anything. They have lost all of their materials. Also, help out at this link for the Owego Elementary School transformation contest.
Owego schools are not planning to accept any more school supply donations. They are ETERNALLY grateful for everyone's support. If anyone has occupational/physical therapy equipment to donate please let me know. They lost all of that as well. UE schools stepped up and loaned/donated some but they are still working with the bare minimum. Thank you!
Rebuild Owego!
Keep up on
El Rancho de Paz updates, too!
Follow progress and news at
Press Connects.
For more information, please contact:
You can find relief information on Facebook, if you search for:
**Help Owego/Apalachin Rebuild**
Information found on Facebook:
HELP: Tioga Center NEEDS donations. They have almost NO donations to give people. The fire station there is the distribution center for Tioga Center. They are looking for cleaning supplies and hygiene items. Take route 17C to 5th Avenue. (Right turn if coming from Owego)
Due to the awesome generosity of the folks of Candor and their friends our flood relief distribution center at the Methodist Church in Candor is pretty well stocked. What we are lacking is customers. We know there are people out there that either don't know about us or don't have transportation to get here. Please spread the word about our facility and either bring people to us or let us know (607 659 4906) and we will deliver.
Owego Creek in Newark Valley 2002 |
Video of Newark Valley, New York, before the water reached the highest level
You can find more information on Facebook:
**Cardinal's Care Flood Relief Benefit Dinner**
Sunday, October 9 · 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Newark Valley Fire Department, Newark Valley, NY
NV Alumni are putting on a spaghetti dinner to benefit flood victims in the NV School District. For a donation of your choice, come enjoy good food, live music, a silent auction (also accessible online) and free gently used clothing for anyone to take. If you have clothing donations we will be accepting them the morning of the 9th at the Fire Station.
We have shifts from 9-12am for set up and taking in clothing and sorting, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6 and 6-? for cleanup. Even if you have mentioned volunteering before and I responded, please contact me again with your name and what time block you would like to volunteer in. Resposibilites include Kitchen Help, Drink Station, Greeter/Hostess, Buffet cleanup, silverware/trash cleanup, book collection and clothing sort if you have anything you specifically you want to do-otherwise we will just plug you in. Please contact the coordinator to get scheduled to help!
The Newark Valley Middle School will be parking a bus right there at the NV Fire Station for "FILL THAT BUS!" to collect children's and youth books for Tappan Spaulding Memorial Library. Please bring any and all books that have been collected and "FILL THAT BUS!"
Find more thorough updated information on the Facebook page.
Also, find this event at WBNG.
The Cardinals Care Benefit raised $3000.27! That does not include any funds sent directly to the food pantries. There are so many people to thank....Go NV!
You can find more relief information on Facebook, if you search for:
**Cardinal Cafe Newark Valley**
More information found on Facebook:
Volunteers are needed to work 2-4 hours at a time at the old J.J.Newberry Building on Lake Street in Owego. For the next three weeks, this location will be open to offer food and other needed items. People are needed to work in the building, organizing and passing out items. If you have food donations, you can drop them off there, NO CLOTHES. If you can donate time, send an email with your name and contact information to:
If you are unemployed as a direct result of the recent flooding & live or work in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego & Tioga counties, you may be eligible for weekly benefit payments under the Disaster Unemployment Assistance program. To apply, call the Telephone Claims Center (TCC) at 1-888-209-8124 or 1-877-358-5306 if you live out of state. Have your Social Security number, earnings from your most recent tax year & employment history available when you call. The deadline to apply is Oct. 14.
Donation Update:
Agway Garage: Hours: 9 AM-3PM. They need volunteers if they are to be open next week. They have water & cleaning supplies. Dollar Store: Hours, 7 AM- 7PM Has Cleaning supplies, water, hygiene products, non-perishable food, bedding, blankets, some furniture. Accepting donations of any kind.
Mellodears: Central Ave. Hours, 11AM- 6 PM, 7 days a week.107 Central Avenue, Owego, NY 13827; They have bedding, food & cleaning supplies.
Presbyterian Church: Hours 9 AM-7 PM, 90 North Avenue Owego NY; Cleaning supplies, water, hygiene products, non-perishable food.
Rural Ministries: Hours, 9AM- 4 PM, M-F. is distributing food and they're low. Please send food donations there. From North Avenue turn towards the laundromat, Mario's pizza, the video shop, at that corner make a right, at the corner by Home Central make another right and the Rural Ministries is a small house. It's literally behind Mario's pizza but you have to drive around to get to it. 607-687-3021.
St Pat's: Main Street; Update pending
St Paul's has clothes.Hours 10 AM-5 PM, M-F. They are full and are not looking for donations.
Tioga County Boys & Girls Club: Has showers, Hours 8 AM-7:30 PM Has plenty of clothes for those in need. They are looking for donations of children's school supplies. They can use volunteers to sort clothes.
So far, we know of the following distribution centers - feel free to add info as you find out:
El Rancho de Paz is collecting food, clothing and cleaning supplies to distribute all over Tioga County. It is also sheltering and feeding about 30 people who were homeless after the flood. If any of you spent any part of your childhood summers at the ranch, you know how wonderful Mr. Pat and Kim are - bring supplies to them at 2857 Montrose Turnpike Owego, New York 13827. Phone: 607.687.2238. You can make donations at
J. Perry. Collecting: Clothing, toys, supplies. Help Owego/Aplachin Rebuild.
C. Jacobs. Collecting Cleaning Supplies, baby items, food items.
*Southern Tier Food Bank: (This is great for folks from Western NY who want to drop off stuff but not drive all the way!) Collecting: food, less clothing, household items (small appliances), cleaning supplies. Warehouse in Elmira – 388 Upper Oakwood Avenue Elmira NY 14903. 607 796 6061
First Church of the Nazarene. Collecting: Cleaning Supplies. Call (607) 687-1932 or send an email to and leave your name and contact information and when you can help or for pick-up/drop-off of donations. 3732 Waverly Road, Owego. Contact: Larry Warner
The Salvation Army. Collecting clothing, furniture, no electronics or baby furniture. 703 East Main Street, Endicott - (607) 748-9042. Contact: Jerry Pierce.
Union Center Christian Church. Collecting Clothes for infants and adults, hygiene items. Boswell Hill Road.
Tioga County Dept. of Social Services came in to Cardinal Cafe, while driving around town, asking if anyone needed help/assistance (including debris removal). If you know of anyone or need help/assistance yourself email with a brief description and contact information and information will be passed along to Becky. ------------------------------------
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Mello Dears could use some help cleaning up the basement of the Mello Dear Bingo Hall...Someone is there from 11-6 at 107 Central Ave. Owego NY. This is a "dirty job" and does require some lifting and so our request. Most of us women of the group can't help much. Problem is our director at age 76, is determined and trying to do this on his own.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Owego United Methodist Church clean-up and repairs
"Disaster Recovery Center In Tioga County Changes Location" The new location is:
The Church of the Nazarene
3732 Waverly Road, Owego, NY 13827
Operating hours will be 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, closed Sundays.
For those looking for information on Transitional Housing Assistance that may be a good place to start and this section may help you: FEMA
JOHNSON CITY — Davis College is the base of operations for a disaster relief team from Samaritan’s Purse. Samaritan’s Purse, which helped the community in 2006, is bringing in a disaster relief unit from Vermont, where the organization has been working for the past three weeks helping flood victims affected by Hurricane Irene. Volunteers from around the nation will provide assistance with cleaning flood damaged homes. People who are in need of help can call (607) 349-5413.
Worried about mold? Cornell Cooperative Extension Tioga will host an informational meeting on Thursday, September 29th, from 6:3-8:30 pm at the Hubbard Auditorium at 56 Main Street in Owego. Mark Pierce from Cornell's Department of Design and Environmental Analysis will talk about the steps needed to rebuild with a focus on mold prevention. Dee Gamble from NYSERDA will be on hand to discuss NYS rebate programs. Both presenters will be taking audience questions. Please repost and help spread the word about this important meeting.
Saturday, October 15 - 8pm-10pm
Rattle n Hum - 14 East 33rd Street, New York, NY
Please join us as we raise money for the Apalachin Lions Club Flood Relief Charity on October 15th at Rattle N Hum in NYC. Many people may not know this, but before moving to the South Shore of Long Island, our Founder and Brewmaster Rick Sobotka grew up in a small town in upstate New York called Apalachin and attended high school in neighboring town Owego. Both of these area were terribly flooded this year and are trying to rebuild. Please come and have some beers with us in support of this great charity. Proceeds from the event will go to the Apalachin Lions Club Flood Relief Charity which Rick's father John Sobotka is a member of. Checks can be made out to Apalachin Lions Club - Flood Relief and mailed to Great South Bay Brewery - Flood Relief 2309 Union Blvd Bay Shore, NY 11706 Please check website for details under events
Suggested Flood Relief Places to which to Send Donations
(The Cardinals Care Benefit October 9 will go to these organizations):
For the Newark Valley 'PROJECT NEIGHBOR':
make checks payable to:
and mail checks to:
6545 State Route 38
Newark Valley, NY 13811
For the Berkshire/Richford 'HELPING HAND PANTRY',
make checks payable to:
and mail checks to:
294 Forde Hill Road
Berkshire, NY 13736
Both of these groups have food pantries and some monies available for those in need. Or, if not, they are able to put people in contact with other groups that may be able to help those in need. Neither group has the capacity for handling the bookwork associated with tracking sub-Project funds separately, such as money coming in just for flood relief alone. To request assistance from either of these groups, all one needs to do is show their proof of address.
These groups work together whenever they can on whatever might arise. They also work with some of the churches in the area.
They all have committees that review the requests for assistance and then vote on whether or not they can help.
Office Hours:
please attach a note to the check requesting that one be sent to you....
thank you!
Jack Sullivan has been employed by Tioga Opportunities to handle the large group flood recovery volunteer efforts. His daytime phone is 687-4222, x 328. His email address is
News Radio 1330, WEBO: The creek that runs through the Owego Apalachin main campus, called Monkey Run, was filled with debris during the recent flood. Because of that, it was quicker to flood was the catalyst for the flooding at Owego Elementary, the high school, the playing fields, etc. In the last few days, the creek bed has again overflowed, but not nearly to the September 7-8-9 levels. The OA district doesn't have the funds or the equipment to go in and dredge the creekbed. So ... a group of about a dozen college kids from Alfred State, which has one of the few heavy machine operator training programs in the state are on the OA campus, unloading donated equipment - bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, etc. - to begin to work to dredge Monkey Run. They will be here today, Saturday and Sunday, working along the side and back of the campus. ------------------------------------
A contact at Cornell sent a message stating their recycling department "really wants to get involved with the furniture needs of the community. They have a stock pile of things right now such as bookshelves, desks, chairs and filing cabinets. They also want to do a furniture drive for any household furniture that is needed. Problem is we cannot find anyone who is interested in taking the items right now..." Anyone have any ideas of places taking these kind of donations or know of anyone that needs these things? Contact Cardinal Cafe in Newark Valley
Tioga small business owners may apply for zero interest loans.
Newark Valley website: IDA Small Business Emergency Relief 0% Loan Program
Three More Disaster Recovery Centers Set to Open
Letterman to make TV pitch for flood victims
There is
appliance flood assistance available.
Tioga County article:
Tioga County looks forward after flooding.
Vote for Owego in the
Coolest Small Towns Contest.
Helpful info:
Disaster Relief Info for Families
Read about area businesses uniting and giving to the community in this
Owego Pennysaver article.
Senator Libous is coming to Newark Valley. "I'll be at the Newark Valley Village Hall with members of my staff on Tuesday, October 25th from 6-7:30 PM. We'd really like to hear from you, so stop by and share your concerns on State government with us." It's part of his new Community Office Hours.
Taken from Rebuild Owego from Jennifer Hill who grew up in Tioga Center, but now lives in Brooklyn:
UPSTATE NY: I am having another tractor trailer full of donated furniture arriving at Bostwick Auction in Candor October 20th. Now, it's a help your self policy, Bostwick can not deliver to people due to lack of volunteers.
I think this is SO awesome that she has done this!! If you know someone in need, or you are able to volunteer your services (truck) to help deliver send them the Bostwicks!! Please pass the word!!
Prattsville and Gilboa-Conesville School District updates:
Victims of Hurricane Irene - School Children In Need! *UPDATE* - September 7, 2011
Check out relief support through
Dine Out Irene
Watershed Post:
Good news from Schoharie County: Those broken dam sirens are going to get fixed. Eventually.
DEP to pony up $300,000 to fix Gilboa Dam sirens. This just in from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection: The DEP is putting $300,000 towards fixing Schoharie County’s emergency siren system for Gilboa Dam.
FEMA in Catskill this week — The Federal Emergency Management Agency is setting up a mobile disaster recovery center in Catskill this week.
Starting on Wednesday, FEMA will be at the Community Life Church on West Main Street in the village between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. FEMA will be there Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to help area residents with disaster assistance. To register: visit FEMA or call 800-621-3362
Neighbors helping Neighbors: Greene County Hurricane Disaster Relief
Greene and Columbia County Flood Relief Benefit, Sunday October 2, 2011 12-8pm Tatiana’s Italian Restaurant, 601 Main Street Catskill, NY 12414
US Congressman Chris Gibson is a confirmed Guest
Full Italian Buffet- Soft Drinks Included (cash bar), Donation $20.00 Tax Deductible
Staff Labor Donated –Gratuity Greatly Appreciated; Host Jimmy & Angelina Gjergji & WCKL Family 560 AM
A post office box has been set up in Schoharie for those wishing to send checks for flood victims: Schoharie Recovery, PO Box 111, Schoharie, NY 12157
Donations to the Town of Lexington Hurricane Irene Disaster Fund are being accepted at the Greene County Savings Bank. Make checks payable to “Town of Lexington Irene Disaster Donations.” These may be dropped off at any branch of the Bank of Greene County in Cairo, Catskill, Chatham, Coxsackie, Germantown, Greenport, Greenville, Hudson, Ravena-Coeymans, Tannersville and Westerlo, or mailed to: The Bank of Greene County, PO Box 470, Catskill, NY 12414
Support for Catskill Mtns Recovery from Irene How can you help with the recovery effort? VOLUNTEER! Get your hands dirty. Get a group of friends together, go to Prattsville, and work! To volunteer, the recovery center can be contacted at 347-633-1536 or 347-782-2667.
Hard Times Come Again No More: America’s Heart Songs, two benefit concerts to aid the victims of Windham, Prattsville, Ashland, Jewett and Lexington who were affected by Tropical Storms Irene and Lee, will be held on Saturday, October 15 from 6-7 PM at the Zadock Pratt Museum in Prattsville, and from 8-10 PM at the Centre Church in Windham. The concert in Prattsville will be located on the front porch of the museum if conditions are favorable. Performers include David Kincaid, the 77th New York Regimental Balladeers joined by the Iron Jacks, the Susquehannah Travellers, The Irish Volunteers, and Mid-Night Legion. Concert attendees are encouraged to make a good will donation at each event. All proceeds from the concerts will be directed to help with local relief and restoration efforts. Organizations that will benefit include The Committee to Preserve the Centre Church, Community of Windham Foundation Adopt-A-Family Project, Hope Restoration Church Food Pantry, Pratt Museum and other local charities. All of our mountaintop neighbors are invited to enjoy the sounds of the fiddle, guitar and banjo for a toe-tapping and uplifting evening of American roots music.
Update: Fox23News featured my friend Pam and the demolition of her house in a recent story:
Flood victims watch demo crews tear down home
"Therefore encourage one another
and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing."