Mick's Up in a Search

Friday, September 30, 2011

Mick's up with the Cold Results

Praying Mantis Along for the Ride!
Hang on!
“The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?” Proverbs 18:14 (NIV)

We made it through the week!  Yay!  It’s the weekend!  Did it feel like you’d never get here? 

Maybe you feel like the Praying Mantis that went along for a ride to the store… on the outside of our car!  That tough guy hung onto the side-view mirror that entire 5-mile drive.  My daughter, even though a little afraid of the idea of the bug getting close to her, kept a close watch on it, cheering it on.  “Hang in there, little guy!”  We encouraged it, and it would look at us through the window, like it understood, but at the same time communicating, “What have you done to me?!”  Even while we ran in to the store, it stayed in its temporary home.  So, of course, the drive home again included, “Hang on!”

That’s our encouragement to you, too.  Hang on!  You’ll make it!  It’s not much further!

I can encourage you, because I’ve been encouraged.  We made it!  Remember the experiment in Monday’s post, Mick's Scoop on Sugar(I promised you an update.)  Even though our household started off the week with a bunch of sickies, feeling like we couldn’t be more miserable, we kept up with the Vitamin D3, increased water intake, soothing hot tea, sunshine when we could get it, sleep, and decreased sugar intake.  We made it!  We’re feeling better!  Our experiment certainly was not scientific, nor was it planned.  However, since over the past year we have been so faithful with our chiropractic care, nutrition, and overall healthier lifestyle... and have not felt this sick for this long during this same year, until our recent hiatus, we can now, even more confidently, say the 5 Essentials make for a healthier, happier family.

Enjoy a mom's perspective in this Mick’s up Life’s collection of blog posts, to get a handle on the 5 Essentials.  Then do your research and make the choice to live life as a healthier you... and have fun truly living with your healthy family!

Hang in there!  You can do it!


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