I hope you have many good memories of 2020.
Although people will say it has been a strange year, and some may even say it’s been awful, our God is bigger than anything in 2020.
I pray you are safe and healthy, with no worries of finances or food or shelter.
I first had the thought of writing this at the start of the pandemic lockdown. I was enjoying the view from my home office window - the pink flowers on the tree in the Spring.
It was wonderful to watch the families enjoying the freshness of the new season, while walking and biking together down our street. Our neighbor rode his wife's pink bike as his only mode of transportation, so he could go on a bike ride with his rambunctious little boy. (I did notice in later weeks that they got a new bike or two.)
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Real men ride their wives' pink bikes! |
Before I knew it, the seasons were changing again. We, as a family, got involved in home projects... or just spending time together in various ways. The world had interesting things happening. I got pulled into my work and other goings-on more than previously. Our country was making major decisions. Friends were needing extra prayer. My daughter's senior year was well underway, as were her preparations for next year's move to college.
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Sign of times changing |
It wasn't long before we were spending more time shopping online for gifts to give out over the Christmas holiday!
All this to say, time is going to move forward, whether or not we like our current situation, and especially even if we're not ready. We need to remember to take time to see the beauty among the scary. We need to keep a good attitude, looking for the good things that might be hidden under what seems to be only bad.
One of the 5 Essentials is a healthy mindset.
If things are going well for you, this might seem like a simple task, but it's still an important reminder.
If you are going through really difficult times, I am so sorry! I wish I could take them away for you. Please share with me or someone near to you, and ask a prayer warrior to help you take these concerns to God. Our Lord wants to spend time with you, His creation. Do you know Him as your Father? If so, remember you are His child. Climb up on his lap, snuggle up in His arms, and cry your tears of sadness. He wants to take care of you.
If you do not know God as your Father, please consider praying to Him. When you are ready, admit to Him that you are not perfect, and humble yourself enough to admit you have sinned. Believe He has provided a way out of those sins and that life that is empty without Him, by offering to you His gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, and His death on the cross as punishment for your sins, and His resurrection from the grave, to give us hope for life with Him in heaven. Then claim that gift as your own.
It seems impossible to me to have a healthy mindset without God and a relationship with Christ. I am praying you know Him. If you want to know more, please contact me.
Have a 2021 that outshines your 2020 in more ways than you can imagine!
Today on social media were a few posts good enough to share here. Enjoy!
"As we look back on 2020 and prepare to start a new year, we are grateful that the Lord is faithful and completely trustworthy no matter the circumstances." - @uvalleyforge
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. May your pages be filled with growth, love, and gratitude." - @accordochiropractic
"I still don't know what I'm wearing to the living room New Year's Eve. I might not even go." - @CoastalVaMag
"I still don't know what I'm wearing to the living room New Year's Eve. I might not even go." - @CoastalVaMag
"Command those who are rich in this present world
not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,
which is so uncertain,
but to put their hope in God,
who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."
1 Timothy 6:17 NIV
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